About Us

The New Market Spice brand came about after a trip to see our daughter graduate from university. She had went off to school in the UK just a year before Covid turned all our lives upside down. Because of Covid my wife and I did not get to visit her until her finally days at university. It was a wonderful trip, especially seeing her graduate and begin her next chapter in life. Part of the trip involved us moving her to London, and since it was my first time there, we spent a number of days doing the normal touristy things. We visited Westminster, Parliament, Hyde Park, Tower Bridge and the Globe Theater. It was by the Globe Theater that my daughter took us to her favorite shop in Borough Market, Spice Mountain.
Borough Market is a semi covered outdoor market of artisanal shops and ethnic food stalls that attract tourists and locals from all over London, the UK and the world. One such artisanal shop was Spice Mountain. Three walls of floor to ceiling shelves and free standing product displays filled all the available space with every imaginable spice and spice blend from every continent. We spent quite a lot of time discovering spices, powders, salts and spice blends that frankly, having been in the food business for 45 years, we had never seen before. It was a wonderful day of exploring London and we continued to travel around for the next couple of days, all the while returning in our minds to the spice shop in Borough Market. We ended up making an other trip there to look around more and pickup a couple of things to try.
Before and during Covid we had owned a plant based restaurant in Florida, Artichoke & Vine, but from the beginning of Covid until late 2021 there was an uncertainty of when everyone's life and in turn the restaurant would get back to normal. Though I had wanted my own restaurant since finishing school, my wife and I arrived at the decision to sell the business and return to our previous employers. With 75 years of work between us in restaurants and the industry at large we have been exposed to a number of different cuisines and in turn the spices that make them unique. Our history in the restaurant industry is what piqued our interest in the English spice market and lead us to the decision to start our own online spice shop.
Nowadays all the world's spices are available at your local specialty store and online, but perusing the shelves at the grocery store can leave anyone overwhelmed with the vast selection and foreign names. With that in mind we endeavor to bring you custom spice blends created in small batches to ensure freshness and flavor. Look for flavor profiles for each of our custom blends and visit our ever expanding recipe page for meal ideas and suggested uses you can try on your friends and family. It's the spices that will allow you to Dine with friends across the world!