Mom's Meatloaf

Mom's Meatloaf

September 03, 2023

Traditionally a German or Belgian dish, meatloaf to most Americans is considered "comfort food". It's origins in American cooking can be traced to the German immigrants of Pennsylvania and consisted of ground pork and cornmeal. While most recipes today are made from ground beef, ground pork is often added to give added flavor and moisture.

The recipe my mother passed down is a combination of beef and pork, though the pork is easily replaced by additional ground beef and unlike most American versions, this recipe differs in that it does not contain ketchup, either as an ingredient in the mixture or a topping. 4 Servings


1 1/2 lb       Ground beef

1/4 lb          Ground pork

1 ea            Onion

3/4 c            Bread crumb

1 ea             Egg

3 tsp            Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp            Salt

1 tsp            Pepper

1 tsp            Mustard

1 tsp            Dry mustard

1 tsp            Garlic salt



Preheat oven to 350 

1. Combine all ingredients by hand 

2. Place ingredients in a loaf pan (preferred method) or form into a loaf on a greased sheet pan

3. Place in the center of the oven at 350 degrees for 1 hour (internal temperature 165 degrees)

4. Let rest for 5-10 minutes before unmolding and slicing 

This meatloaf recipe is great for cold sandwiches so make extra!



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